Friday 17 December 2010

i'm now a blogger

Well I've decided I want to be a blogger.  My mom's boss just started blogging, and everything about it was beautiful.  So I want to try this blogging thing out.  I have no idea really how it works, and i debated researching it, and finding out the details.  Then I decided that i don't need to know anything about it.  The only thing I need to know is that I want to have a place to write.
I've always felt guilty about not keeping a journal, and have wanted to start one for years.  The idea though of sitting down every night and writing about my day at school just sounded awful to me.  The times I have tried though I always loved reading them a few months later, but at the time the actual process if terrible.  So it never stuck.
Im writing a blog for myself, so hopefully, if this sticks, I will be able to read this when i'm an adult.  I'll look back to my high school years and reminisce.  That was always the beauty of keeping a journal.  So i'm doing this for me, and if it entertains a few people in the making then it not only will benefit me but someone else too.  (:
I'm sure there is an art to blogging, like there is for everything else, but I have not researched that art. stated So who knows how this will all work out.  Ideally I want this to be my record of high school and growing up.  Maybe a teenage girl, just like myself, will read this and see that other people have similar views on this very subject.  Or a mother will read this and realize that although her daughter seems fine and says school is good she doesn't always mean it.  And then when i'm a mother, I can read my blog and remember exactly how i felt so i can empathize with my kids.
High school is not at all what i thought it would be, and sometimes when things get really overwhelming the best thing to do is write everything down.  This blog will be my collection of overwhelming moments that needed to be thought through by writing.
Here it goes wish me luck...!
By the way my grammar and spelling is bad... always has been.  Ever since third grade i recognized it as a problem.